Unraveling the Mystery: Why do we feel unproductive despite working all day?

Have you ever felt unproductive even if you worked endlessly all day? In this article, you will discover why you feel unproductive and how to be more productive.

Have you ever felt unproductive even if you worked endlessly all day? In this article, you will discover why you feel unproductive and how to be more productive.

I often feel unproductive despite working all day. Worse, I feel guilty for not working and pushing myself harder, even though I’ve already tried to finish as many tasks as possible in a day. To learn more about this, I decided to research what causes this feeling and how to overcome it.

In this article, I cover two main categories. The first category is the possible reasons for feeling unproductive after a busy day. The second category is the helpful approaches or mindset changes that can help us overcome this feeling.

  1. Why do we feel unproductive despite working all day?
    1. The illusion of busyness
    2. The psychology of productivity
    3. The impact of perfectionism
  2. How do you overcome the feeling of feeling unproductive despite working all day?
    1. Tackling distractions
    2. Creating a personalized productivity approach
    3. Single-tasking v.s multitasking

The Illusion of Busyness

I used to rely on creating a daily to-do list and feeling accomplished as I checked off each item. This method worked well for me most of the time. However, I often felt unproductive after completing all the tasks on my list. When I started working in the States a few years ago, I quickly noticed the emphasis on productivity in the culture. People took pride in being busy; not being busy was almost seen as a failure to fulfill one’s job.

I discovered numerous videos on YouTube and books discussing being more productive and getting more done. Without realizing it, many of us become addicted to busyness. I feel the pressure to be busier and constantly look for things to fill my day.

The Psychology of Productivity

According to one article from Psychology Today, An individual’s productivity hinges on three things. Researchers find that focusing on a long-term goal can help activate the drive and energy to push through more tedious day-to-day tasks.

  • Mental energy
  • A sense of internal motivation
  • A sense of external motivation

Other than some typical factors to attribute to feeling unproductive, such as multitasking, being too emotional over things you can’t control, and not giving yourself enough time to rest, I was surprised by a reason—loneliness. According to research, greater workplace loneliness is related to lower job performance. The lonelier employees have less motivation and commitment to the job, which contributes to the feeling of being unproductive.

The Impact of Perfectionism

Perfectionism can sometimes be a roadblock to productivity, leaving us feeling like we can never do enough. We tend to ignore our progress because we become too fixated on achieving perfection. However, accepting imperfections, keeping an open mind, and focusing on progress can help us feel more content and eventually more productive.

Tackling Distractions

Constant interruptions from social media, emails, or other sources can hinder your focus and productivity. To stay focused during work intervals and take breaks in between, consider implementing time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique.

When I need to enter deep work mode, I turn off my phone’s notifications, set up a 30-minute timer, and start working. During the dedicated 30 minutes, I force myself to focus on the work without distracting myself. After the first five to ten minutes, I can concentrate on the job, and the session often gets extended to one hour once I’m in deep work mode.

Creating a Personalized Productivity Approach

The YouTube videos have motivated me to try different productivity techniques and determine the one that suits me best. It’s imperative to have a customized productivity approach that works best for you because what works for others may not necessarily work for you. Therefore, it’s crucial to have personalized approaches based on your preferences that can aid you in being more productive.

Single-tasking vs. Multitasking

Trying to do multiple things simultaneously can decrease efficiency and make you feel unproductive. Instead, focus on one task at a time to improve the quality of your work and overall productivity. I used to believe I was good at multitasking, but eventually I realized that switching between tasks reduces my ability to produce high-quality work and causes burnout. Although challenging, I now focus on one task at a time to improve productivity and live in the present moment without worrying too much about the future.


To increase your productivity, it is important to reflect on your work habits and make adjustments to improve them. Remember that everyone is unique and has a different approach to being productive. Therefore, it is important to experiment with other methods to find what works best for you. Additionally, make sure to take your time and avoid rushing. Focus on one task at a time and give yourself enough time to learn and explore. By being mindful of your work habits and taking a measured approach, you can enhance your productivity and achieve your goals efficiently.

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